Message for the day
Botschaft für den 19. Juni 2020
Habe Freude und Liebe in deinem Herzen und strahle es aus! Genieße das Leben!
Read more…Habe Freude und Liebe in deinem Herzen und strahle es aus! Genieße das Leben!
Read more…Gehe immer weiter! Lebe dein Leben klar und rein. Befreie dich von alten Glaubenssätzen, negativen Gedankenmustern und löse dich von dem was andere Menschen von dir erwarten, sondern lebe aus deinem Herzen und lasse dich von deiner Seele führen.
Read more…Lass los und vergib auf tieferer Ebene! Was gibt es, woran du immer noch festhältst? Was hält dich noch immer davon ab inneren Frieden zu erfahren?
Read more…Sing, speak, think in every moment what you wish to be in your heart - love, peace and harmony. That is our true essence.
Read more…Just be love! The unconditional love serves in every moment. It does not demand, does not expect. It gives in every situation and can connect with everything, because it is contained in everything and everyone.
Read more…To have compassion means that you do not go into pity, but simply empathize. It means to sincerely take part, to support when other people and living beings suffer or experience pain and loss. You can and should be compassionate without condolence or pity.
Read more…Find the key to your heart and be good to yourself. It is time to go even deeper inside and look carefully at what you are still allowed to overcome. To look with much compassion and love at what you have avoided to perceive, to see, to feel what was not in harmony with you or where the balance was missing in your life.
Read more…See the wonders! Open wide your eyes and your heart to see, experience and above all feel the big and small wonders in your life. Can you allow yourself to enjoy the moment? To experience the moment of peace within you or a moment in nature in the garden, during a walk.
Read more…It is time to open the heart much wider. Only your heart can show you the right way. Because it is connected to your innermost being, with what you really are.
Read more…Show that you love and live. That means, share the joy that is inside you with others. Give the people around you a smile or even a heartfelt thank you.
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