To have compassion means that you do not go into pity, but simply empathize. It means to sincerely take part, to support when other people and living beings suffer or experience pain and loss. You can and should be compassionate without condolence or pity. If you feel compassion for other people, that they feel seen and valued in their suffering, then it is easier for them. Just by being there for this person in these times and situations, you are the greatest blessing for them. Because every person and every living being can feel that you are sincere with them. In contrast, to feel condolence or pity for others or even for yourself is to add your new feeling of suffering to the heaviness and pain that was felt before. This does not help, but only makes the suffering greater.

Therefore, feel with others and just be there for those who experience pain and grief. Reach out your hand and open your heart to compassion and love for them.

Birgit Seefeldt

As a certified Soul Communicator I am honored to receive and share daily messages about the current energy of the day with you.


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