Time of transformation of profound life issues: Today is a wonderful day to get rid of old baggage - old baggage in physical, mental and emotional terms. What do you no longer need? What prevents new things and abundance from coming into your life, your surroundings? What did you want to get rid of for a long time? Take a closer look at it today, because it is worth it. Today is a good day to do a great clean-up both externally and internally. Use this day for it, because the power of the planet Mars will help you.

Carpe diem seize the day! I wish you much joy and success with it!

Birgit Seefeldt

As a certified Soul Communicator I am honored to receive and share daily messages about the current energy of the day with you.

1 Comment

Nina Kaiser · 28. April 2020 at 17:49

Vielen Dank für die Tagesbotschaft! Sehr hilfreich als zusätzliche Unterstützung – und das jeden Tag!

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