Show yourself, go much further than you ever imagined. What does that mean? Your mind, your thinking often had ideas about what you can and cannot do, what is easy and what is not, what it likes and what it does not like. All this is okay if you want to stay in the comfort zone. However, if you want to develop your potential or rather still live, then it is very important to go beyond and broaden your horizon. Just allow yourself to do something today that you thought isn't your cup of tea because you may never have done it before. Just do it and gain new experiences. If you are stuck in the meantime, there is usually a quick way to get assistance.

Just try something new today and gain valuable experience. Your horizon will expand and your self-confidence can grow. "It's up to you how far you go. If you don't try you'll never know! - Merlin" Walt Disney


Birgit Seefeldt

As a certified Soul Communicator I am honored to receive and share daily messages about the current energy of the day with you.

1 Comment

Marion Boritz · 29. April 2020 at 13:14

Danke liebe Birgit für die heutige Botschaft, die mir sehr dabei geholfen hat tief sitzende Themen loszulassen. Jede Tagesbotschaft ist sooo hilfreich für mich. Herzliche Grüße, Marion

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