You are not alone! You are not alone with the deep pain that still lies in your soul. The pain of what true Oneness means - Oneness in greatest harmony, in greatest peace. What does this Oneness mean to you? Is it joy, love, fulfillment, health, happiness? Is it harmonious family relationships? Above all, it means not to fight, not with oneself nor with others, but to support each other, to live synergies.

To ease this pain of separation from Oneness, today I would like to share with you this song that I received some time ago.

Universal Love – recognize the light in the dark

Birgit Seefeldt

As a certified Soul Communicator I am honored to receive and share daily messages about the current energy of the day with you.


Iris Wehr · 6. May 2020 at 15:16

Hallo liebe Birgit, vielen herzlichen Dank für diese heutige Botschaft. Genau das, was ich heute brauchte, um wieder in meine Mitte zu kommen. Durch dieses besondere Lied, das so kraftvoll, heilsam und so besonders ist. Dankeschön dafür.

Martina Helbig · 28. June 2020 at 21:28

Vielen lieben Dank, liebe Birgit, meine Seele freut sich.

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